We offer a variety of programs and activities selected to appeal to the diverse interests of our students. Through participation in these activities, students develop lifelong friendships and become fully immersed in their educational experience.
2019–2020 Academic Decathlon

The Academic Junior High Decathlon, or AJHD, is a one-day competition for students in sixth to eighth grade. There are a total of ten events in this competition. Two are collaborative team efforts. These team challenges have a focus on a logic quiz with 20 rigorous thinking problems, and a super quiz with 50 multiple choice questions on five broad academic themes. The remaining eight events test individual knowledge of the Roman Catholic Doctrine, English, literature, science, mathematics, current events, social studies, and fine arts (art and music). Customarily, individuals and teams will get an award based on performance. Please take a look at the pictures from this years academic decathlon.
Science Camp

All sixth graders participate in a one-week camp experience. Designed with a focus on teamwork, students engage in hands-on, science-based activities.
To cover the costs associated with camp, we begin fundraising efforts during their fifth grade year. Because these funds are designated specifically for camp, we cannot transfer them if a student leaves Holy Trinity School.
Community Service

Heightening student awareness of social justice issues and community needs is an important goal at our school. Our staff focuses efforts on developing a sense of social responsibility among the students by targeting projects that address the needs in the parish, the local community, and the global community. We involve the students in visits to convalescent homes, mission projects, food collections, letters and cards to the homebound parishioners, and many other community service activities. Our Faith in Action program gives every child the opportunity to serve the community.
Extracurricular Sports Activities

Extracurricular sports activities provide an important extension of the total educational curriculum at Holy Trinity School. We encourage students to take advantage of these unique opportunities to develop individual skills, team skills, qualities of leadership, sportsmanship, and school spirit. Holy Trinity participates in the Diocesan Parochial Athletic League.